Cloud-based field service softwareLatest news Which mobiles devices are used by our customers?

Which mobiles devices are used by our customers?

December 29, 2013

Praxedo led a study on 5.000 users of its mobile application to know which type of mobile device and which OS are used. Praxedo is available on a wide range of mobile devices, and our customers take advantage of this asset as 66% of them use Android devices and 18% use an iOS device (iPhone/iPad).

In terms of form factors, smartphones represent 75% of the devices used and tablets 20%. Over the last 12 months, tablets usage increased by 100%!

Each project is unique and we wish to give our customers the freedom to choose the best device matching their needs in their environment. This is the reason why we have designed a mobile solution available on the most popular mobile devices and that we will maintain it to be available on the new ones.

Thanks to this strategy, our customers reduce dramatically their hardware costs and can, if they wish, have a heterogeneous mobile device fleet.